A Pot of Successful Marriage

For couples who are engaged or newly wed, a White Bible Ceremony is a Christian alternative to games at a shower. A pot can serve as an object lesson for a successful marriage. Advice can be given by comparing a pot to a successful marriage. this advice should be based upon the Bible, Christain experts and some of their own. A pot can be compared to marriage because it must be made by humans. A pot is formed or sculpted. A marriage is formed by a man and woman. It takes a life time to make a successful marriage which makes it different from an artist pot. A pot may be made of metal or clay. A marriage is made of love, sacrifice, hopes, dreams, achievements and faith in God. A pot's design is based upon the artist's concept. A Christian marriage is based upon the principals of God. A pot can be passed on to generations as a treasured art object. A Family White Bible can be passed on to future generations with records of births, deaths, and important events. It can be a testament to the success of the marriage. Although a pot can be damaged and destroyed; marriage should avoid cracks through prayer and faithfulness.
Labels: White Bible Ceremony